Mejorqueuno's Sex Cam & Chat Room

Information about Mejorqueuno

This is the profile page of Cam Boy Mejorqueuno. He broadcasts his live Webcam Show on
He is 32 old, and is famous for his great Gay Daddy Cam
His height is 185, which makes him {link}.
You can talk to him in Spanish, Italian, English.
If you like Mejorqueuno's big penis, you'll love these Big Dick Cams.
What are you waiting for? Enjoy his Twink Cam now!


Sexual Preference
Marital Status
Languages Spoken
Spanish, Italian, English


Hair Color
Hair Length
Eye Color
Body Type
Body Hair
Facial Hair
Male Type
Penis Size


OF @mejorqueuno JUST FOR YOU! We are creating a fanclub. Its cost is 10 TK / month. (You will have free access to more contents and special prices for videos and more.) Help us with some advices if you want! Make requests! AVAILABLE FOR PRIVATE SHOW on s..pye.. The price in TK $$ DEPENDING ON YOUR REQUEST of PERFORMANCE, ROLE AND DURATION. WE WILL FIND AN AGREEMENT WITH OUR GREAT PLEASURE. We sell personalized PHOTOS OR VIDEOS by request OUR RULES = NO spam, NO links, NO free requests OR free actions, OR questions about our privacy. THE ANSWER IS ALWAYS =  SILENCE, KICK AND BAN !! THANKS SK 10 min (the prices could be arranged together) with one 250 tk with both 400 tk 29/05/2023 Watch our two NEW VIDEOS! 19/05/2023 We came back from Gran Canaria! It was great! Thanks for all your support. We know you liked our private shows. Now You know us better. So ask what you prefer ;) May 2023 Follow US in Gran Canaria from 10 to 17 of may 2023. ;) Ask for more details. April 2023 A new story... "Once upon a time", that's how many of our *****hood stories begin... You're older and now is the time to develop yourself and start a new story with us. Desire, pleasure, jokes, sex, madness, passion and love at the same time are part of our show. "Once upon a time", becomes "Come here at once... or two or three times... " We are two concrete men with whom you can enjoy time and get away from the chaos of your days. You can ask us for a private show, videos, photos or whatever. Thanks to this platform you can thank us with tokens and nice comments. We just arrived in this place for you and to enjoy whatever it is together. We are very passionate human beings... Scammers and bad guys stay away, welcome all the others. Una nueva historia... "Habia una vez", asi empienzan muchos de los cuentos de nuestra infancia....Ya eres major y ahora es el tiempo de desarrollarte y empienzar una nueva historia con nosotros. Deseo, placer, chistes, sexo, locura, pasion y amor a la vez son parte de nuestros show. "Habia una vez", deviene "Vengan aqui de una vez... o dos o tres veces... " Somos dos hombres concretos con los cuales se puede disfrutar el rato y alejarse desde el caos de vuestros dias. Pueden pedirnos show privado, videos, fotos o lo que sea. Gracias a esta plataforma pueden agradecernos con tokens y lindos comentarios. Recien (Abril 2023) llegados en este lugar para ustedes y para disfrutar juntos de lo que sea. Somos ser humanos muy pasionales... Se alejen los estafadores y los malos, vengan todas y todos las/los otras/os. Don't hesitate to contact us for a show and get to know us! No dudes en contactarnos para un espectáculo y conocernos! Don't ask for personal details. No request without tips. LEGAL PRIVACY POLICY: Any unauthorized use of my profile, video, pictures or audio in any form or in a forum now or in the future is not permitted without my express written consent. Any act to promote or gain profit in any manner (eg either monetarily or socially) from the use of my profile, video, pictures or audio in any form my profile is a violation of my privacy and subject to legal action. PRIVACY POLICY LEGALE: Qualsiasi utilizzo non autorizzato del mio profilo , video, immagini o audio in qualsiasi forma o in un forum, ora o in futuro, non è consentita senza il mio consenso scritto. Qualsiasi atto per promuovere o trarre profitto in qualsiasi modo (ad esempio, sia monetariamente o socialmente) dall'utilizzo del mio profilo, video, immagini o audio in qualsiasi forma il mio profilo è una violazione della mia privacy e soggetto ad azione legale.

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