Du måste vara 18 (eller myndig på den plats du befinner dig) eller äldre för att få åtkomst till den här webbplatsen. Genom att fortsätta till webbplatsen går du med på följande: "UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY Jag svär / bekräftar att jag är vuxen, minst 18 år (eller myndig där jag befinner mig)
Detta är profilsidan för Cam Boy Thanh001. Han sänder sin livewebbkamera-show på Sex.co.uk.
Han är 0 gammal, och är känd för sin stora Teen Gay Cam
Je kunt met hem praten in English.
Vad väntar du på? Njut av hans Twink Cam nu!
*yeh, in case some of you are wondering, yeh I had to get a new account :)
I'm willing to show anything you request. Just after some fun.
I don't like things up my ass though. Sorry.
I'm normally on only when I'm tipsy/drunk . Treat me like your cam slave. Make me drink more, it's fun. haha : ) If I'm not doing anything, it's probably cause no one has requested anything. If you're not sure if it has been asked, just ask anyway, and if I'm willing to show, I will, particularly when drunk : ) Friendly guy here.
Great to keep in touch with you all. Hot that you guys know all about me but i know nothing about u guys.
For those that like it, I have managed to suck my big toe like a cock.
I get hornier when people request things so please request and please chat! Also would be great if you can send me a private message on my profile so we can discuss our interests after too rather than during chatting privately in a live room while broadcasting. Everyone is welcome. The more hornier you are, the more you are welcome haha. Treat me like you own me.
The more drunk i get the hornier i get too.
Also, I do like to make friends and keep a chat going. So please, feel free to message in my inbox so we can keep in touch and enjoy each other's company. I'm happy to speak to anyone. If you're in Melbourne (or anywhere in Australia/world), it would be good to get to know you too. Loving drinking and chatting with friends and watching random youtube videos.